
Star wars starfighter mods
Star wars starfighter mods

star wars starfighter mods

Nym, a Feeorin pirate Vana had managed to capture at some point before the events take place, had escaped and now threatened to kill Vana. After a brief investigating of the factory, she returns to her base of operations, awaiting Reti and Rhys. Vana manages to destroy all but one of the droids, which leads her to a droid production factory on the volcanic planet of Eos. The Trade Federation subsequently terminates her contract and sends numerous "Hunter-Killer" droids and a squad of mercenaries to kill her. After completing the task, her astromech droid, Mod-3, intercepts a transmission about the illegal invasion of Naboo. She is hired to help test the Scarab-class droid starfighter, which serves as an informal tutorial for controlling her ship. The story shifts to Vana Sage, a mercenary employed by the Trade Federation. Rhys is later rescued by the Toydarian Reti in the Zoomer. After it jumps into hyperspace, Essara is killed by an unidentified ship, and Rhys's ship is disabled.

star wars starfighter mods

The meeting is revealed to be a trap, and Rhys and Essara are forced to defend the royal starship from mercenaries until it can escape. They are to escort Padmé Amidala traveling in the Royal Starship as she meets with Trade Federation officials. After a short combat tutorial with his mentor Essara Till, the two are assigned their first joint mission. The story begins with Rhys Dallows, a budding N-1 starfighter pilot. The pilots join the Battle of Naboo, with Nym and Vana protecting a groundside settlement while Dallows takes the fight to the orbital Droid Control Ship with Bravo Squadron. The three ultimately cross paths, and set out to fight back against the Trade Federation following the death of Dallows' mentor, Essara Till, and the capture of Nym's base on Lok. While Dallows defends Queen Amidala from mercenaries in the Naboo system, Vana Sage is betrayed by the Trade Federation near Eos, and Nym carries out raids on Federation freighters over Lok.

star wars starfighter mods

The storyline follows the exploits of three pilots prior to and during the Invasion of Naboo Naboo starfighter pilot Rhys Dallows, mercenary Vana Sage and Feeorin pirate Nym.

Star wars starfighter mods